To improve wellbeing, sustainability and appeal, Maxim Park has increased its GP Plantscape exterior landscaping maintenance provision to five days per week.
Located on the M8, the 40-acre prestigious office development is home to over 50 businesses and almost 3,000 employees.

The park which boasts its own nursery, putting green, retail outlets and excellent communication links is surrounded by green space.
Caroline Baillie, director of park services, said: “It’s great to have the team full time on site. With extra time, the definition and additional level of detail to things like grass edging and planter beds is fantastic and the site looks so much better. It also allows more time to focus on developing biodiversity in the park.”
Andrew Bell, contract manager, GP Plantscape, is working in partnership with Caroline and the park management team to best utilise the supplementary hours to support Maxim’s strategy of providing a workplace that supports a work life balance, biodiversity and the aesthetic attraction.
Research has proven that green spaces are good for our mental health, and so a key part of Maxim’s wellbeing strategy is to entice staff outside, to take a walk around the beautifully landscaped grounds, stroll alongside the ponds, cycle through the park and immerse themselves in nature.
Ruth Anderson, events and sustainability manager, said: “The wellbeing of our guests on site is a high priority. The fountains and landscape provide an environment where people walk and spend time in the outdoors, and we run an exciting programme of events to encourage people to use the outdoor space.
“I’ve even had people tell me they have only come into work because they wanted to attend the event on that day.”
As part of the site’s health and wellbeing corner, an allotment has been created to grow plants and vegetables which will be used in the on-site cafes as ingredients in soups, salads and the preparation of delicious nutritional meals – all to the benefit of those working on site.

Caroline said: “I think that hybrid working has settled, and people expect a work life balance.” She believes people want more than just a place to work and that companies rank the sustainability of a location highly when making a choice on leasing premises.
To improve the sites biodiversity credentials, during the summer GP Plantscape planted 400 Scottish wildflower plugs to attract bees and butterflies to pollinate plants. Assisted by local nursery school children, the planting process demonstrated the partnership approach between the management team at Maxim, GP and the local community.
The installation of bat and bird boxes, maintenance of vegetation around the ponds which is home to a plethora of wildlife including frogs and fish and maintenance regimes sympathetic to the environment are just some of the ways GP Plantscape are helping to support improved biodiversity on site. As part of the engagement strategy, the Maxim team have created a Wildlife Map to raise awareness of the abundance of creatures living in the park and to encourage any sightings to be reported.

While sustainability and wellbeing are extremely important considerations for the park management team, attracting new tenants to vacant space takes equal priority and maintaining attractive, well maintained exterior landscaping is a prime driver for increasing the hours of the GP Plantscape team on site.
As the exterior landscape maintenance team ramp up their activity, the focus on wellbeing has also been embraced indoors. The introduction of a green wall and living planting in corporate coloured containers at Maxim 8 brings a natural element to the newly created lounge area. Collaboration zones have become a feature of emerging hybrid workspaces, often complemented with plants due to their proven health benefits. The relaxing space currently also boasts a GP Plantscape Christmas Tree.

The relationship between GP Plantscape and Maxim Park doesn’t stop there. To ensure the free flow of traffic through the park and safe pedestrian access to buildings during winter months, GP Plantscape provide a proactive gritting and snow clearing service from 1 November through to the end of March.
Andrew Bell, contracts manager, said: “We are delighted to have increased the exterior hours on site at Maxim Park. It fantastic to have the opportunity to be work closely with the Caroline, Ruth and the management team to deliver sustainable landscaping solutions which maximise biodiversity and wellbeing on this impressive site.”